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ATM Business Consulting

New England ATM offers unparalleled ATM consulting services that is customized to meet your specific needs. We have been in business since 2008 and are committed to providing high quality services to clients and ATM Business owners around the Country. Let us show you how easy and hassle-free ATM management can be!

New England ATM is your go-to source for all your ATM services including, ATM vault cash services. Our mission is to deliver exceptional service for businesses, financial institutions, and customers alike. Contact us today and let us help you meet all of your banking needs.

Vault Cash Planning

With our Vault Cash service, you can keep your ATMs stocked with cash without the hassle of having to manage it yourself. We offer a reliable and secure cash management system that ensures your ATMs are never out of cash. Our main approach is to work with local providers to provide vault cash services

Route Valuation

Have you ever wondered what your ATM business is worth?  Are you looking to sell you ATM route?  We are ATM route valuation experts.  We can tell you what you route is worth, and how to improve your ATM route's value

ATM Processing  

Our ATM processing services is the best in the industry. We provide reliable and secure transaction processing services to make sure your ATM business runs smoothly. Take advantage of our free processing service and save money on your ATM fees today!

ATM Business Development

Starting a new ATM business? Growing and scaling your ATM business can seem to be daunting task.   It all can seem  overwhelming.  In the last 15 years we've gone from 1 location to installing 1000's of ATM locations. Let us create a roadmap for your growth.



ATM and Route Financing

Looking to grow your ATM business?  With 15 years in the ATM business, we've done it.  We can introduce you to ATM equipment financing companies and consult on fueling overall growth in your ATM business.


Bank outsourcing 

Don't let managing your ATM network take up too much of your bank's valuable time and resources. At New England ATM, we provide premium ATM outsourcing services that can elevate your bank's operational efficiency and service quality. With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, you'll be able to offer your customers a seamless and secure banking experience.

What is the Current Value of an ATM Route?


There are so many factors, it's near impossible to give an exact number.  Currently we are seeing routes selling for 18 times monthly earnings to 36 times monthly earnings.   Factors such as age of equipment, whether there are contracts in place, age of the accounts, how the spread out the accounts are and many more factors.


If I can't load cash in the ATM, What are my options?


There are several options available, one is to have an armored car service load the ATM, as of recently, this has become more and more expensive.  Factors such as fuel prices, cost of cash and increases in labor costs. Usually armored carriers are more suitable to larger transaction locations with long hours.  The next option is to find private cash loaders, in this cash a private cash loading, another ATM vendor will load THEIR CASH and manage the ATM as was their own.  Most cash loaders charge in the range of $1 withdrawal transaction


What kind of financing can I get for my business?


Traditionally, getting financing for an ATM business is more difficult, the ATM business is often a restricted business.  New England ATM works with several financing companies throughout the Country.  Most of the companies, will be only willing to finance equipment for businesses older than a year old.

What services do you provide banks?


As banks are painfully aware, ATMs are an expense.  ATM providers can offer off premise ATMs at faction of the cost of deploying their own ATMs. ATM companies tend to be more nimble on proving core ATM services.  We made the ATM have the look and feel of your own ATM.  We can wrap the ATMs with your brand and logos, and allow your customers to use the ATMs at no cost.  We can put your brand in front of customers in office buildings, break rooms, colleges, grocery stores and many more locations


What is ATM Processing and what do you offer?


If you own and operate your own ATM, you may know the ATM needs to connect to the banking system.  This is done through an ATM Processor, we have connection to all the major ATM processors in the country.  You can count on us to make sure we team you up with the best processor that fits your needs.


I'm looking to grow my existing ATM business, how can you help?


Since 2008, we've grown our own business.  We've done it, and we've helped almost another 100 ATM businesses grow and continue to grow their businesses, from daily operations, acquiring new business, and keeping your ATM running with a repair and maintenance program.  

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