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ATM Glossary

ATM Industry Terms

Below are ATM industry terms and and definitions



AID list - A list in the ATM on how route an EMV transaction


Allpoint - A Surcharge free Network owned by NCR


ATM - Automated Teller Machine


ATMIA - The ATM Industry Association, A National Association for ATM Operators 





BIN - Bank Identification Number, the first 6 to 7 digits of the cardholders card


BOOT LOAD - To reload the core software over the Operating System, returning the ATM back to Factory settings


Branded ATMA non-bank ATM that is made to look and feel like a bank ATM. Usually surcharge free for that banks card holders.





Card Reader - The unit that reads the information from cardholders card.


Cassette - The Box that holds the cash in the dispenser.


CDS - Columbus Data Systems, An ATM Host Processor, owned by NCR Alteos


Cencon - A type of lock, that is mostly used for armored carriers, it's a one time code.


CDU - Cash Dispensing Unit.  The core part responsible for dispensing Cash from the ATM


CIT - Cash in Transit.  The process of moving large amounts of cash from Depository to ATM


Communication Header - A unique ID to tell the host how to route the transaction.​​​​




DCC - Digital Currency Conversion, the ability to convert foreign currency at your ATM


Dispenser - Same as A CDU, the unit the picks and dispenses the cash


DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.  This allows the router the ATM is connected to assign the ATM an IP Address  


DNS - Digital Network Solutions, an ATM Host Processor, owned by Cord Financial


DPL - A Canadian Company that provides ATM wireless Services


Double Detect - A component on the dispenser that measured the thickness of a bill






EBT - Electronic Benefit Network


EMV  - Chip based card


EPP - Electronic PIN PAD, Pin Pad is used for customer input 





Facsia- Front Plastic main piece of the ATM


FiServ - An ATM Processor and the owner of several ATM networks​


FLM - First Line Maintenance, this is simple non-access to safe repair




GenmegaA Manufacturer of Retail ATM Machines






Halo - A line of ATMs from Hyosung Models like the Halo, Halo S, and Halo 2 were made


Hyosung  - A Manufacturer of Retail ATM Machines​


Host IP Address - The address the ATM connects to the host





IAD - Independent ATM Operator


IO Board - Input/Output Board


ISO - Independent Service Organization, ATM Company registered with the Networks​






Journal - The journal holds transaction history and activities of the ATM







Kaba  - An electronic lock company, some of their products are used on ATMs







LCD  - The type of screen the ATM uses







Master Keys - The unique encryption keys for the Terminal ID


MCR - Magnetic Card Reader, a card reader capable of read a magnetic strip


Mainboard  - The main CPU of the ATM.


MoneyPass - A national surcharge free network​






NVRAM  - Non-Vital RAM


NYCE - New York Cash Exchange, a Northeast regional ATM network






Oberthur  - One of the major manufacturer of card stock.






Pathward - Major ATM Sponsoring Bank, formally MetaBank


PAI - Payment Alliance International, one of the larger ISOs for retail ATM


PIN - Personal Identification Number


PM -  Preventative Maintenance 


PSU - Power Supply Unit


Pulse - An ATM network owned by Discover






Retail ATM  - An ATM machine meant for smaller retail location, usually runs Windows CE


RMS - Remote Monitoring System, always control of the ATM remotely






Shazam - A midwest regional network


Switch Commerce  - One of the 4 major processors for retail ATM


S&G - S&G is one of the lock manufacturers that supply lock to retail ATMs


SSL - Secure Socket Layer  , a security pro


Sponsoring Bank - The bank that sponsors the ATM into the banking system


Standard 1 - Hyosung transaction standard format


Standard 3 - Triton emulation, transaction standard developed by Triton





T-DES - Triple DES, a encryption security standard


TID - Terminal Identification Number


TLS - A security communication protocol used by ATMs


TTW  - Through The Wall ATM


Triton- One of the major ATM manufacturer, only US based manufacturer 





Unbanked- Customers that do not use a traditional bank​


USAA - A Armed Forces ATM Network





VCP - Vault Cash Provider, a 3rd party provider of vault cash


Visa- A large payment network â€‹



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