Tech Spot: How to fix a Genmega D2511 error code
Genmega D2511 Error code, What is it?

The Genmega D2511 error Code is a communication error between the ATM and the Host Processor. The D2511 can indicate a broad range of communication issues. The error can occur when the ATM is not communicating and con not make contact with the host.
How do you fix for a Genmega D2511 error?
Check your internet connection, is the ATM plugged into the router? Trace the CAT5 cable back to the router and make sure it has a connection.
Try resetting the router or the wireless box
Check to make sure you have a proper wireless signal
Check IP settings on ATM to include
Is your Static or DHCP setting Correct?
Are you using Standard 1 or Standard 3?
Was the Terminal ID entered Correctly?
Is the ATM making a full connection to the router?
Additional Assistance, if you are using a Cellular Wireless Box, you can try calling the respective help desks.
DPL 1-800-561-8880
WTI Wireless (800)475-1001
Of course New England ATM is always ready to help @ (877)424-2355